Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg-Tobias Kuhn
Weitere Informationen zu Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg-Tobias Kuhn
- Since 10/2017: University professor (W2) for "Methods of Empirical Educational Research", TU Dortmund University
- 04/2016-09/2017: Research assistant, Institute for Psychology in Education (Educational Assessment and Evaluation), WWU Münster University
- 10/2015-03/2016: Visiting professor for personality psychology, assessment and counselling, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany
- 12/2010-09/2015: Research assistant, Institute of Psychology (Statistics and Methods), WWU Münster University
- 02/2010-11/2010: Psychometrician, Team Leader Methods & Statistics, Federal Institute for Educational Research, Innovation & Development of the Austrian School System, Salzburg
- 01/2010: PhD in Psychology, WWU Münster University
- 04/2004-01/2010: Research Assistant, Institute of Psychology (Statistics and Methods), WWU Münster University
- 02/2004-03/2004: Research Assistant, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics, RWTH Aachen University
- 01/2004: Diploma in Psychology, RWTH Aachen University
Item response theory and response time modelling
Multilevel and longitudinal modelling
Assessment and intervention in learning disabilities, especially dyscalculia
Learning progress asssessment
Heterogeneity in schools
Diagnostic competence of teachers
- Applied Cognitive Psychology
- Applied Psychological Measurement
- Behavior Research Methods
- British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
- Cognition
- Diagnostica
- Educational Psychology
- Empirische Sonderpädagogik
- European Journal of Psychological Assessment
- Frontiers in Psychology: Cognition
- Frontiers in Psychology: Educational Psychology
- Frühförderung interdisziplinär
- Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
- Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
- Journal of Educational Psychology
- Learning and Individual Differences
- Lernen und Lernstörungen
- National Science Foundation
- Nature Scientific Reports
- Psychometrika
- Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht
- Psychology Learning and Teaching
- Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
- Scientific Studies of Reading
- Trends in Neuroscience and Education
- Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft
- Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie
Peer-reviwed journal articles
- Vanauer, C., Kuhn, J.-T., Chromik, S., & Doebler, P. (in press). Curriculum-based measurement of basic arithmetic competence: Do different booklets represent the same ability? Journal for Educational Research Online.
- Förster, N., & Kuhn, J.-T. (in press). Ice is hot and water is dry - Developing equivalent reading tests using rule-based item design. European Journal of Psychological Assessment.
- Kißler, C., Schwenk, C., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2021a). Zur Additivität kognitiver Defizitprofile bei komorbiden Lernstörungen. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 10, 89–101.
- Kißler, C., Schwenk, C., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2021b). Two dyscalculia subtypes with similar, low comorbidity profiles: A mixture model analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 589506.
- Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (in press). A semiparametric latent trait model for response times in tests. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 63, 396-431.
- Ranger, J., Kuhn, J.-T., & Pohl, S. (2021). Effects of motivation on the accuracy and speed of responding in tests: The speed-accuracy tradeoff revisited. Measurement, 19, 15-38.
- Ranger, J., Kuhn, J.-T., & Wolgast, A. (2021). Robust estimation of latent ability employing the hierarchical model for responses and response times. Journal of Educational Measurement, 58, 308-334.
- von Wirth, E., Kujath, K., Ostrowski, L., Settegast, E., Rosarius, S., Döpfner, M., Schwenk, C., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2021). The co-occurrence of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and mathematical difficulties: an investigation of the role of basic numerical skills. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 112, 103881.
- DeVries, J., Kuhn, J.-T., & Gebhardt, M. (2020). What applying growth mixture modeling can tell us about predictors of number line estimation. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 6, 66–82.
- Ranger, J., Kuhn, J.-T., & Ortner, T. M. (2020). Modeling responses and response times in tests with the hierarchical model and the three-parameter lognormal distribution. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 80(6), 1059–1089.
- Ranger, J., Kuhn, J.-T., & Szardenings, C. (2020). Minimum distance estimation of multidimensional diffusion-based item response theory models. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 55, 941–957.
- Gebhardt, M., DeVries, J., Jungjohann, J., Casale, G., Gegenfurtner, A., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2019). Measurement invariance of a direct behavior rating multi item scale across occasions. Social Sciences, 8, 46.
- Kuhn, J.-T., Schwenk, C., Souvignier, E., & Holling, H. (2019). Arithmetische Kompetenz und Rechenschwäche am Ende der Grundschulzeit: die Rolle statusdiagnostischer und lernverlaufsbezogener Prädiktoren. Empirische Sonderpädagogik, 11, 95–117.
- Ranger, J., Wolgast, A., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2019). Robust estimation of the hierarchical model for responses and response times. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 72, 83–107.
- Schuchardt, K., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2019). Komorbidität von Lernschwierigkeiten. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 8, 5–6.
- Kuhn, J.-T., & Schwenk, C. (2018). Onlinebasierte Diagnostik mathematischer Kompetenzen: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 7, 231–235.
- Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2018a). Estimating diffusion-based item response theory models: exploring the robustness of three old and two new estimators. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 43, 635–662.
- Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2018b). Modeling responses and response times in rating scales with the linear ballistic accumulator. Methodology, 14, 119–132.
- Szardenings, C., Kuhn, J.-T., Ranger, J. & Holling, H. (2018). A diffusion model analysis of magnitude comparison in children with and without dyscalculia: Care of response and ability are related to both mathematical achievement and stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1615.
- Förster, N., Kuhn, J.-T. & Souvignier, E. (2017). Normierung von Verfahren zur Lernverlaufsdiagnostik. Empirische Sonderpädagogik, 2, 116-122.
- Gold, B., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2017). A longitudinal study on the stability of self-estimated intelligence and its relationship to personality traits. Personality and Individual Differences, 106, 292-297.
- Raddatz, J., Kuhn, J.-T., Moll, K., Holling, H., & Dobel, C. (2017). Comorbidity of arithmetic and reading disorder: Basic number processing and calculation in children with learning impairments. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 50, 298-308.
- Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2017). Detecting unmotivated individuals: A new application of the Rasch tree. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 59, 269-295.
- Ranger, J., Kuhn, J.-T., & Szardenings, C. (2017). Analyzing model fit of psychometric process models: An overview, a new test and an application to the diffusion model. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 70, 209-224.
- Schwenk, C., Kuhn, J.-T., Gühne, D., Doebler, P. & Holling, H. (2017). Auf Goldmünzenjagd: Psychometrische Kennwerte verschiedener Scoringansätze bei computergestützter Lernverlaufsdiagnostik im Bereich Mathematik. Empirische Sonderpädagogik, 9, 123-142.
- Schwenk, C., Sasanguie, D., Kuhn, J.-T., Kempe, S., Doebler, P., & Holling, H. (2017). (Non-)symbolic magnitude processing in children with mathematical difficulties: A meta-analysis. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 64, 152-167.
- Dobel, C., Dehmelt, V., Schwenk, C., Raddatz, J., Junghöfer, M., Holling, H., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2016). Neurophysiological correlates of numerosity training in children with dyscalculia. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 108, 148.
- Kuhn, J.-T. (2016). Controlled attention and storage: An investigation of the relationship between working memory, short-term memory, scope of attention, and intelligence in children. Learning and Individual Differences, 52, 167-177.
- Kuhn, J.-T., Ise, E., Raddatz, J., Schwenk, C., & Dobel, C. (2016). Basic numerical processing, calculation, and working memory in children with dyscalculia and/or ADHD symptoms. Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 44, 365-375.
- Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2016). A mixture proportional hazards model with random effects for response times in tests. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 76, 562-586.
- Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T., & Szardenings, C. (2016). Limited information estimation of the diffusion-based item response theory model for responses and response times. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 69, 122-138.
- Stein, A., Wunderlich, R., Lau, P., Engell, A., Wollbrink, A., Shaykevich, A., Kuhn, J.-T., Holling, H., Rudack, C., & Pantev, C. (2016). Clinical trial on tonal tinnitus with tailor-made notched music training. BMC Neurology, 16, 38.
- Chodura, S., Kuhn, J.-T., & Holling, H. (2015). Interventions for children with mathematical difficulties: A meta-analysis. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 223, 129-144.
- Kuhn, J.-T. (2015). Developmental dyscalculia: Causes, characteristics, and interventions (Editorial). Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 223, 67-68.
- Kuhn, J.-T. (2015). Developmental dyscalculia: Neurobiological, cognitive, and developmental perspectives. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 223, 69-82.
- Kuhn, J.-T., & Ranger, J. (2015). Measuring ability, speed, or motivation: A comment on Goldhammer (2015). Measurement, 13, 173-176.
- Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2015). Modeling information accumulation in psychological tests using item response times. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 40, 274-306.
- Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2015). Assessing person fit with the information matrix test. Methodology, 11, 3-12.
- Ranger, J., Kuhn, J.-T., & Gaviria, J.-L. (2015). A race model for responses and response times in tests. Psychometrika, 80, 791-810.
- Kuhn, J.-T., & Holling, H. (2014). Number sense or working memory? The effect of two computer-based trainings on mathematical skills in elementary school. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 10, 59-67.
- Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2014). An accumulator model for responses and response times in test based on the proportional hazards model. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 67, 388-407.
- Kuhn, J.-T., & Kiefer, T. (2013). Optimal test assembly in practice: The design of the Austrian educational standards assessment in mathematics. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 221, 190-200.
- Kuhn, J.-T., Raddatz, J., Holling, H., & Dobel, C. (2013). Dyskalkulie vs. Rechenschwäche: Basisnumerische Verarbeitung in der Grundschule. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 2, 229-247.
- Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2013). Analyzing response times in tests with rank correlation approaches. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 38, 61-80.
- Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2012). Assessing fit of item response models using the information matrix test. Journal of Educational Measurement, 49, 247-268.
- Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2012). A flexible latent trait model for response times in tests. Psychometrika, 77, 31-47.
- Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2012). Improving IRT model calibration by considering response times in psychological tests. Applied Psychological Measurement, 36, 214-131.
- Freund, P. A., Kuhn, J.-T., & Holling, H. (2011). Measuring current achievement motivation with the QCM: Short form development and investigation of measurement invariance. Personality and Individual Differences, 51, 629-634.
- Zeuch, N., Holling, H., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2011). Analysis of the Latin Square Task with linear logistic test models. Learning and Individual Differences, 21, 629-632.
- Klein Entink, R. H., Kuhn, J.-T., Hornke, L. F., & Fox, J.-P. (2009). Evaluating cognitive theory: A joint modeling approach using responses and response times. Psychological Methods, 14, 54-75.
- Kuhn, J.-T., & Holling, H. (2009). Exploring the nature of divergent thinking: A multilevel analysis. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 4, 116-123.
- Kuhn, J.-T., & Holling, H. (2009). Gender, reasoning ability, and scholastic achievement: A multilevel mediation analysis. Learning and Individual Differences, 19, 229-233.
- Kuhn, J.-T., & Holling, H. (2009). Measurement invariance of divergent thinking across gender, age and school forms. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 25, 1-7.
- Holling, H., Blank, H., Kuchenbäcker, K., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2008). Rule-based item design of statistical word problems: A review and first implementation. Psychology Science Quarterly, 50, 363-378.
- Holling, H., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2008). Does intellectual giftedness affect the factor structure of divergent thinking? Evidence from a MG-MACS analysis. Psychology Science Quarterly, 50, 283-294.
- Kuhn, J.-T., Holling, H., & Freund, P. A. (2008). Begabungsdiagnostik mit dem Grundintelligenztest (CFT 20-R): Psychometrische Eigenschaften und Messäquivalenz. Diagnostica, 54, 184-192.
- Beckmann, B., Holling, H., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2007). Reliability of verbal-numerical working memory tasks. Personality and Individual Differences, 43, 703-714.
- Salaschek, M., Holling, H., Freund, P. A., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2007). Benutzbarkeit von Software: Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Methoden und Verfahren. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 6, 247-276.
Book chapters
- Kuhn, J.-T., & Vanauer, C. (in press). Genetische und neurologische Risikofaktoren. In M. Börnert-Ringleb, G. Casale, M. Balt & M. Herzog (Hrsg.), Lern- und Verhaltensschwierigkeiten in der Schule - Erscheinungsformen, Erklärungsmodelle und Implikationen für die Praxis. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
- Kuhn, J.-T. (2017). Rechenschwäche – eine interdisziplinäre Einführung. In A. Fritz, S. Schmidt & G. Ricken (Hrsg.), Handbuch Rechenschwäche (3. Aufl., S. 14-29). Weinheim: Beltz.
- Itzlinger-Bruneforth, U., Kuhn, J.-T., & Kiefer, T. (2016). Testkonstruktion. In C. Schreiner & S. Breit (Hrsg.), Large-Scale Assessment mit R: Methodische Grundlagen der österreichischen Bildungsstandards-Überprüfung (S. 29-50). Wien: Facultas.
- Kiefer, T., Kuhn, J.-T., & Fellinger, R. (2016). Testdesign. In C. Schreiner & S. Breit (Hrsg.), Large-Scale Assessment mit R: Methodische Grundlagen der österreichischen Bildungsstandards-Überprüfung (S. 149-184). Wien: Facultas.
- Bertling, J. P., Zeuch, N., Kuhn, J.-T., & Holling, H. (2010). Unfaire Fragen? Eine Überprüfung der Geschlechtsfairness des Studentenpisa-Tests. In M. Verbeet & S. Trepte (Hrsg.), Der SPIEGEL "Studenten-Pisa"-Test: Erkenntnisse und Analysen (S. 243-253). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
- Holling, H., Bertling, J., Zeuch, N., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2010). Automatische Itemgenerierung. In F. Preckel, W. Schneider & H. Holling (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch der pädagogisch-psychologischen Diagnostik: Tests und Trends, Band Hochbegabung (S. 211-231). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Kuhn, J.-T. (2010). Hypothesentestung. In H. Holling & B. Schmitz (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Psychologischen Methoden und Evaluation (S. 350-357). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Holling, H., Freund, P. A., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2008). Einfachheit als Gestaltungsfaktor von Wissensmanagementsystemen: Eine conjoint-analytische Untersuchung. In J. vom Brocke & J. Becker (Hrsg.), Einfachheit in Wirtschaftsinformatik und Controlling (S. 51-63). München: Vahlen.
- Holling, H., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2007). Methoden der Datenerhebung. In H. Schuler & K. Sonntag (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie (S. 90-97). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Holling, H., Freund, P. A., Kuhn, J.-T., Salaschek, M., Gawlista, C., & Thielsch, M. (2006). Share your knowledge: Usability von Wissensmanagementsystemen. In T. Bosenick, M. Hassenzahl, M. Müller-Prove & M. Peissner (Eds.), Usability Professionals 2006 (S. 95-101). Stuttgart: German Chapter der Usability Professionals Association.
- Holling, H., Kuhn, J.-T. & Freund, P. A. (2006). Anforderungsanalytische Methoden der Softwareevaluation. In H. L. Grob & J. v. Brocke (Eds.), Internetökonomie und Hybridität. Ein interdisziplinärer Beitrag zur Erklärung und Gestaltung hybrider Systeme (S. 279-294). München: Vahlen.
- Roberts, R. D., Schulze, R., Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., Freund, P. A., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2006). Emotionale Intelligenz: Verstehen, Messen und Anwenden - Ein Resümee. In R. Schulze, P. A. Freund & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), Emotionale Intelligenz: Ein internationales Handbuch (S. 313-341). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Schulze, R., Roberts, R. D., Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., Kuhn, J.-T., & Freund, P. A. (2006). Theorie, Messung und Anwendungsfelder emotionaler Intelligenz: Rahmenkonzepte. In R. Schulze, P. A. Freund & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), Emotionale Intelligenz: Ein internationales Handbuch (S. 11-35). Göttingen: Hogrefe.