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Fakultät Rehabilitationswissenschaften

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg-Tobias Kuhn

Weitere Informationen zu Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg-Tobias Kuhn

  • Since 10/2017: University professor (W2) for "Methods of Empirical Educational Research", TU Dortmund University
  • 04/2016-09/2017: Research assistant, Institute for Psychology in Education (Educational Assessment and Evaluation), WWU Münster University
  • 10/2015-03/2016: Visiting professor for personality psychology, assessment and counselling, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany
  • 12/2010-09/2015: Research assistant, Institute of Psychology (Statistics and Methods), WWU Münster University
  • 02/2010-11/2010: Psychometrician, Team Leader Methods & Statistics, Federal Institute for Educational Research, Innovation & Development of the Austrian School System, Salzburg
  • 01/2010: PhD in Psychology, WWU Münster University
  • 04/2004-01/2010: Research Assistant, Institute of Psychology (Statistics and Methods), WWU Münster University
  • 02/2004-03/2004: Research Assistant, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics, RWTH Aachen University
  • 01/2004: Diploma in Psychology, RWTH Aachen University


  • Item response theory and response time modelling

  • Meta-analysis

  • Multilevel and longitudinal modelling

  • Assessment and intervention in learning disabilities, especially dyscalculia

  • Learning progress asssessment

  • Heterogeneity in schools

  • Diagnostic competence of teachers

  • Applied Cognitive Psychology
  • Applied Psychological Measurement
  • Behavior Research Methods
  • British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
  • Cognition
  • Diagnostica
  • Educational Psychology
  • Empirische Sonderpädagogik
  • European Journal of Psychological Assessment
  • Frontiers in Psychology: Cognition
  • Frontiers in Psychology: Educational Psychology
  • Frühförderung interdisziplinär
  • Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
  • Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
  • Journal of Educational Psychology
  • Learning and Individual Differences
  • Lernen und Lernstörungen
  • National Science Foundation
  • Nature Scientific Reports
  • Psychometrika
  • Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht
  • Psychology Learning and Teaching
  • Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
  • Scientific Studies of Reading
  • Trends in Neuroscience and Education
  • Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft
  • Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie

Peer-reviwed journal articles

  1. Vanauer, C., Kuhn, J.-T., Chromik, S., & Doebler, P. (in press). Curriculum-based measurement of basic arithmetic competence: Do different booklets represent the same ability? Journal for Educational Research Online.
  2. Förster, N., & Kuhn, J.-T. (in press). Ice is hot and water is dry - Developing equivalent reading tests using rule-based item design. European Journal of Psychological Assessment.
  3. Kißler, C., Schwenk, C., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2021a). Zur Additivität kognitiver Defizitprofile bei komorbiden Lernstörungen. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 10, 89–101.
  4. Kißler, C., Schwenk, C., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2021b). Two dyscalculia subtypes with similar, low comorbidity profiles: A mixture model analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 589506.
  5. Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (in press). A semiparametric latent trait model for response times in tests. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 63, 396-431.
  6. Ranger, J., Kuhn, J.-T., & Pohl, S. (2021). Effects of motivation on the accuracy and speed of responding in tests: The speed-accuracy tradeoff revisited. Measurement, 19, 15-38.
  7. Ranger, J., Kuhn, J.-T., & Wolgast, A. (2021). Robust estimation of latent ability employing the hierarchical model for responses and response times. Journal of Educational Measurement, 58, 308-334.
  8. von Wirth, E., Kujath, K., Ostrowski, L., Settegast, E., Rosarius, S., Döpfner, M., Schwenk, C., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2021). The co-occurrence of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and mathematical difficulties: an investigation of the role of basic numerical skills. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 112, 103881.
  9. DeVries, J., Kuhn, J.-T., & Gebhardt, M. (2020). What applying growth mixture modeling can tell us about predictors of number line estimation. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 6, 66–82.
  10. Ranger, J., Kuhn, J.-T., & Ortner, T. M. (2020). Modeling responses and response times in tests with the hierarchical model and the three-parameter lognormal distribution. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 80(6), 1059–1089.
  11. Ranger, J., Kuhn, J.-T., & Szardenings, C. (2020). Minimum distance estimation of multidimensional diffusion-based item response theory models. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 55, 941–957.
  12. Gebhardt, M., DeVries, J., Jungjohann, J., Casale, G., Gegenfurtner, A., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2019). Measurement invariance of a direct behavior rating multi item scale across occasions. Social Sciences, 8, 46.
  13. Kuhn, J.-T., Schwenk, C., Souvignier, E., & Holling, H. (2019). Arithmetische Kompetenz und Rechenschwäche am Ende der Grundschulzeit: die Rolle statusdiagnostischer und lernverlaufsbezogener Prädiktoren. Empirische Sonderpädagogik, 11, 95–117.
  14. Ranger, J., Wolgast, A., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2019). Robust estimation of the hierarchical model for responses and response times. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 72, 83–107.
  15. Schuchardt, K., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2019). Komorbidität von Lernschwierigkeiten. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 8, 5–6.
  16. Kuhn, J.-T., & Schwenk, C. (2018). Onlinebasierte Diagnostik mathematischer Kompetenzen: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 7, 231–235.
  17. Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2018a). Estimating diffusion-based item response theory models: exploring the robustness of three old and two new estimators. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 43, 635–662.
  18. Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2018b). Modeling responses and response times in rating scales with the linear ballistic accumulator. Methodology, 14, 119–132.
  19. Szardenings, C., Kuhn, J.-T., Ranger, J. & Holling, H. (2018). A diffusion model analysis of magnitude comparison in children with and without dyscalculia: Care of response and ability are related to both mathematical achievement and stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1615.
  20. Förster, N., Kuhn, J.-T. & Souvignier, E. (2017). Normierung von Verfahren zur Lernverlaufsdiagnostik. Empirische Sonderpädagogik, 2, 116-122.
  21. Gold, B., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2017). A longitudinal study on the stability of self-estimated intelligence and its relationship to personality traits. Personality and Individual Differences, 106, 292-297.
  22. Raddatz, J., Kuhn, J.-T., Moll, K., Holling, H., & Dobel, C. (2017). Comorbidity of arithmetic and reading disorder: Basic number processing and calculation in children with learning impairments. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 50, 298-308.
  23. Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2017). Detecting unmotivated individuals: A new application of the Rasch tree. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 59, 269-295.
  24. Ranger, J., Kuhn, J.-T., & Szardenings, C. (2017). Analyzing model fit of psychometric process models: An overview, a new test and an application to the diffusion model. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 70, 209-224.
  25. Schwenk, C., Kuhn, J.-T., Gühne, D., Doebler, P. & Holling, H. (2017). Auf Goldmünzenjagd: Psychometrische Kennwerte verschiedener Scoringansätze bei computergestützter Lernverlaufsdiagnostik im Bereich Mathematik. Empirische Sonderpädagogik, 9, 123-142.
  26. Schwenk, C., Sasanguie, D., Kuhn, J.-T., Kempe, S., Doebler, P., & Holling, H. (2017). (Non-)symbolic magnitude processing in children with mathematical difficulties: A meta-analysis. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 64, 152-167.
  27. Dobel, C., Dehmelt, V., Schwenk, C., Raddatz, J., Junghöfer, M., Holling, H., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2016). Neurophysiological correlates of numerosity training in children with dyscalculia. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 108, 148.
  28. Kuhn, J.-T. (2016). Controlled attention and storage: An investigation of the relationship between working memory, short-term memory, scope of attention, and intelligence in children. Learning and Individual Differences, 52, 167-177.
  29. Kuhn, J.-T., Ise, E., Raddatz, J., Schwenk, C., & Dobel, C. (2016). Basic numerical processing, calculation, and working memory in children with dyscalculia and/or ADHD symptoms. Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 44, 365-375.
  30. Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2016). A mixture proportional hazards model with random effects for response times in tests. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 76, 562-586.
  31. Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T., & Szardenings, C. (2016). Limited information estimation of the diffusion-based item response theory model for responses and response times. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 69, 122-138.
  32. Stein, A., Wunderlich, R., Lau, P., Engell, A., Wollbrink, A., Shaykevich, A., Kuhn, J.-T., Holling, H., Rudack, C., & Pantev, C. (2016). Clinical trial on tonal tinnitus with tailor-made notched music training. BMC Neurology, 16, 38.
  33. Chodura, S., Kuhn, J.-T., & Holling, H. (2015). Interventions for children with mathematical difficulties: A meta-analysis. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 223, 129-144.
  34. Kuhn, J.-T. (2015). Developmental dyscalculia: Causes, characteristics, and interventions (Editorial). Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 223, 67-68.
  35. Kuhn, J.-T. (2015). Developmental dyscalculia: Neurobiological, cognitive, and developmental perspectives. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 223, 69-82.
  36. Kuhn, J.-T., & Ranger, J. (2015). Measuring ability, speed, or motivation: A comment on Goldhammer (2015). Measurement, 13, 173-176.
  37. Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2015). Modeling information accumulation in psychological tests using item response times. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 40, 274-306.
  38. Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2015). Assessing person fit with the information matrix test. Methodology, 11, 3-12.
  39. Ranger, J., Kuhn, J.-T., & Gaviria, J.-L. (2015). A race model for responses and response times in tests. Psychometrika, 80, 791-810.
  40. Kuhn, J.-T., & Holling, H. (2014). Number sense or working memory? The effect of two computer-based trainings on mathematical skills in elementary school. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 10, 59-67.
  41. Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2014). An accumulator model for responses and response times in test based on the proportional hazards model. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 67, 388-407.
  42. Kuhn, J.-T., & Kiefer, T. (2013). Optimal test assembly in practice: The design of the Austrian educational standards assessment in mathematics. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 221, 190-200.
  43. Kuhn, J.-T., Raddatz, J., Holling, H., & Dobel, C. (2013). Dyskalkulie vs. Rechenschwäche: Basisnumerische Verarbeitung in der Grundschule. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 2, 229-247.
  44. Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2013). Analyzing response times in tests with rank correlation approaches. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 38, 61-80.
  45. Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2012). Assessing fit of item response models using the information matrix test. Journal of Educational Measurement, 49, 247-268.
  46. Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2012). A flexible latent trait model for response times in tests. Psychometrika, 77, 31-47.
  47. Ranger, J., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2012). Improving IRT model calibration by considering response times in psychological tests. Applied Psychological Measurement, 36, 214-131.
  48. Freund, P. A., Kuhn, J.-T., & Holling, H. (2011). Measuring current achievement motivation with the QCM: Short form development and investigation of measurement invariance. Personality and Individual Differences, 51, 629-634.
  49. Zeuch, N., Holling, H., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2011). Analysis of the Latin Square Task with linear logistic test models. Learning and Individual Differences21, 629-632.
  50. Klein Entink, R. H., Kuhn, J.-T., Hornke, L. F., & Fox, J.-P. (2009). Evaluating cognitive theory: A joint modeling approach using responses and response times. Psychological Methods, 14, 54-75.
  51. Kuhn, J.-T., & Holling, H. (2009). Exploring the nature of divergent thinking: A multilevel analysis. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 4, 116-123.
  52. Kuhn, J.-T., & Holling, H. (2009). Gender, reasoning ability, and scholastic achievement: A multilevel mediation analysis. Learning and Individual Differences, 19, 229-233.
  53. Kuhn, J.-T., & Holling, H. (2009). Measurement invariance of divergent thinking across gender, age and school forms. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 25, 1-7.
  54. Holling, H., Blank, H., Kuchenbäcker, K., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2008). Rule-based item design of statistical word problems: A review and first implementation. Psychology Science Quarterly, 50, 363-378.
  55. Holling, H., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2008). Does intellectual giftedness affect the factor structure of divergent thinking? Evidence from a MG-MACS analysis. Psychology Science Quarterly, 50, 283-294.
  56. Kuhn, J.-T., Holling, H., & Freund, P. A. (2008). Begabungsdiagnostik mit dem Grundintelligenztest (CFT 20-R): Psychometrische Eigenschaften und Messäquivalenz. Diagnostica, 54, 184-192.
  57. Beckmann, B., Holling, H., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2007). Reliability of verbal-numerical working memory tasks. Personality and Individual Differences, 43, 703-714.
  58. Salaschek, M., Holling, H., Freund, P. A., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2007). Benutzbarkeit von Software: Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Methoden und Verfahren. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 6, 247-276.

Book chapters

  1. Kuhn, J.-T., & Vanauer, C. (in press). Genetische und neurologische Risikofaktoren. In M. Börnert-Ringleb, G. Casale, M. Balt & M. Herzog (Hrsg.), Lern- und Verhaltensschwierigkeiten in der Schule - Erscheinungsformen, Erklärungsmodelle und Implikationen für die Praxis. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
  2. Kuhn, J.-T. (2017). Rechenschwäche – eine interdisziplinäre Einführung. In A. Fritz, S. Schmidt & G. Ricken (Hrsg.), Handbuch Rechenschwäche (3. Aufl., S. 14-29). Weinheim: Beltz.
  3. Itzlinger-Bruneforth, U., Kuhn, J.-T., & Kiefer, T. (2016). Testkonstruktion. In C. Schreiner & S. Breit (Hrsg.), Large-Scale Assessment mit R: Methodische Grundlagen der österreichischen Bildungsstandards-Überprüfung (S. 29-50). Wien: Facultas.
  4. Kiefer, T., Kuhn, J.-T., & Fellinger, R. (2016). Testdesign. In C. Schreiner & S. Breit (Hrsg.), Large-Scale Assessment mit R: Methodische Grundlagen der österreichischen Bildungsstandards-Überprüfung (S. 149-184). Wien: Facultas.
  5. Bertling, J. P., Zeuch, N., Kuhn, J.-T., & Holling, H. (2010). Unfaire Fragen? Eine Überprüfung der Geschlechtsfairness des Studentenpisa-Tests. In M. Verbeet & S. Trepte (Hrsg.), Der SPIEGEL "Studenten-Pisa"-Test: Erkenntnisse und Analysen (S. 243-253). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
  6. Holling, H., Bertling, J., Zeuch, N., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2010). Automatische Itemgenerierung. In F. Preckel, W. Schneider & H. Holling (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch der pädagogisch-psychologischen Diagnostik: Tests und Trends, Band Hochbegabung (S. 211-231). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
  7. Kuhn, J.-T. (2010). Hypothesentestung. In H. Holling & B. Schmitz (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Psychologischen Methoden und Evaluation (S. 350-357). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
  8. Holling, H., Freund, P. A., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2008). Einfachheit als Gestaltungsfaktor von Wissensmanagementsystemen: Eine conjoint-analytische Untersuchung. In J. vom Brocke & J. Becker (Hrsg.), Einfachheit in Wirtschaftsinformatik und Controlling (S. 51-63). München: Vahlen.
  9. Holling, H., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2007). Methoden der Datenerhebung. In H. Schuler & K. Sonntag (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie (S. 90-97). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
  10. Holling, H., Freund, P. A., Kuhn, J.-T., Salaschek, M., Gawlista, C., & Thielsch, M. (2006). Share your knowledge: Usability von Wissensmanagementsystemen. In T. Bosenick, M. Hassenzahl, M. Müller-Prove & M. Peissner (Eds.), Usability Professionals 2006 (S. 95-101). Stuttgart: German Chapter der Usability Professionals Association.
  11. Holling, H., Kuhn, J.-T. & Freund, P. A. (2006). Anforderungsanalytische Methoden der Softwareevaluation. In H. L. Grob & J. v. Brocke (Eds.), Internetökonomie und Hybridität. Ein interdisziplinärer Beitrag zur Erklärung und Gestaltung hybrider Systeme (S. 279-294). München: Vahlen.
  12. Roberts, R. D., Schulze, R., Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., Freund, P. A., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2006). Emotionale Intelligenz: Verstehen, Messen und Anwenden - Ein Resümee. In R. Schulze, P. A. Freund & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), Emotionale Intelligenz: Ein internationales Handbuch (S. 313-341). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
  13. Schulze, R., Roberts, R. D., Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., Kuhn, J.-T., & Freund, P. A. (2006). Theorie, Messung und Anwendungsfelder emotionaler Intelligenz: Rahmenkonzepte. In R. Schulze, P. A. Freund & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), Emotionale Intelligenz: Ein internationales Handbuch (S. 11-35). Göttingen: Hogrefe.